Growing Roots: The Journey of Grown Right Tree and Shrub 



 In June of 2023, Ian and I began a journey, fueled by passion and determination, we established Grown Right Tree and Shrub LLC. After years in the arboriculture industry, Ian’s commitment to his craft led us to entrepreneurship. With no outside financing, we set out to build our business from the ground up, armed only with our expertise, the drive to work hard and a shared vision for success. 

Ian’s reputation as a skilled arborist quickly preceded us, and word-of-mouth recommendations began to pour in. Throughout our first summer, we worked to cultivate relationships with clients, laying the foundation for our new business. Despite the seasonal lull that winter inevitably brings, we remained dedicated, using the downtime to expand our network and refine our offerings. Now, as spring awakens once more, we stand ready to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. With a roster of projects already lined up and a steady stream of inquiries flowing in, the anticipation of what the future holds is palpable.

As our business continues to thrive, it is clear that we're truly "Grown Right". With passion, perseverance, and a touch of luck, anything is achievable.

- Rachel 


Ian is a certified arborist recognized by the International Society of Arboriculture, with arborist number NE 7279A. His commitment to professionalism and excellence in tree care is unmatched. You can verify Ian's credentials for your peace of mind by clicking on the link provided below. Rest assured, with Ian's expertise, your trees are in capable hands.